Electronic System Manufacturers
Electronic system design and manufacturers usually regard harnesses as a nuisance business. While outsourcing at low prices is possible, poor quality of the product results in increased costs to the manufacturer, as time and money are spent locating trivial faults and repairing.
Otto Marketing has changed all this and offers a high quality and reliable product, not by the ‘cheapest price’, but by one that will ensure the ‘lowest overall cost’ to the customer.
The other major differentiator is that Otto offers a full turn-key solution to the customer from the start of a new development. This will ensure that harnesses and connectors are selected to meet specific design, quality and environmental requirements.

The Otto business is widely diversified and manufactures harnesses for a wide variety of applications including vending machines, aviation antenna systems, electronic parking meters, vehicle tracking systems, GSM-based telephones, payphones, fleet management systems, satellite decoders and pre-payment electricity meters.

Today Otto is fully compliant with best quality practices internationally. Otto is also a full member of the IPC and manufactures all cables to IPC Level 3. Most assembly staff have received both theoretical and practical cable assembly training by the SA representative of the IPC (NKOKA).
While cabling by its very nature is a labour-intensive operation, Otto has invested in automation where appropriate.
Machines allows high-speed production of more simple stripped wires, while others afford flexibility for more complex tasks and can cope with flat ribbon cable, coaxial and RF products.
Stripping of coaxial and other shielded cable is carried out using state-of-the-art Komax BT-86 RF cable strippers. In addition, Otto has a number of other pneumatic and electric wire stripping machines for other cables.
The wide variety of terminals used is catered for using several CMK, Mecal and Komax machines. Otto holds a large number of interchangeable applicators to ensure perfect quality crimping and cutting standards.
Our testing machinery is sate of the art, please click on our “Quality” link for details of the advanced testing facilities.